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Natalia Y. Kirsanova1 , Olga M. Lenkovets2

1, 2 Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, ORCID 0000-0003-1012-4763, ORCID 0000-0003-4144-1331

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Abstract. The article analyzes the role of state regulation in harmonization of the socio-economic interest system in the Arctic Zone of Russian Federation (AZRF) in the current institutional environment. Research and development of new institutions, forms of economic behavior in AZRF are especially topical in the new economic reality. They play an important role in ensuring energy and national security, which leads to increased attention to the pace and quality of the region development. The interdisciplinary management approach is required for AZRF development, because it covers social, economic, and environmental factors. The study has proven that the regional industry and transport development leads to a complex system of contradictory socio-economic interests: business, state and local population, including indigenous peoples. AZRF development effects are ranked by the degree of economic relation participants’ interests. The socio-economic interest system is analyzed. According to the authors, the general trend of AZRF development in the near future will greatly depend on accountability that the state assumes for the results of the region development, which requires tightening the institutional conditions of economic management and developing a new economic model. The study results can be used to justify the public policy in the elaboration of strategies for AZRF development.

Keywords: The Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), the system of socio-economic interests, direct and external effects, state regulation

For citation: Kirsanova N. Y., Lenkovets O. M. Assessment of accountability in state regulation of Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation in current institutional environment. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 1, pp. 47–57. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.1.2022.75.004


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