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Anastasia V. Vasilieva 1, Marina V. Moroshkina 2

1, 2Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia

1ORCID 0000-0002-6019-819X

2ORCID 0000-0001-6520-4248


Abstract. Border territories were considered both as front lines and as a resource for economic development in different historical periods. The studied regions of the Northwestern Federal District adopt these roles too. The purpose  of the research is to consider the transformations of the border strip, to assess the normative sources that contribute  to or limit the development of border regional economic systems, to analyze economic parameters and identify the patterns of this development. The scientific novelty is associated with the development of a comprehensive methodology, including the economic and legal assessment of the influence of the border location factor on the development indicators  of the territory. The application of this technique allows substantiating the assumption that the nature of functioning  and economic parameters may be related to the legal aspects of regulating the border position of Russian regions  to a greater or lesser extent. The authors come to the conclusion that in the current geopolitical environment it becomes obvious that the legal and economic conditions will be significantly transformed. The degree of involvement in cross-border interactions for some sections of the borders will decrease, and vice versa new areas of international economic activity will appear, with corresponding structural shifts, which will become a vector for continuing the research.  The study substantiates that the processes of economic interactions must be assessed both in economic and legal dimensions. It is shown that the border location factor has an ambiguous and multidirectional influence. At the same time, the impact of the factor is transformed along with the geopolitical, economic and legal environment. Legal prerequisites for different territories are formed individually, manually and are associated with specific situations and the nature  of international interactions. A significant part of the restrictions on doing business in the border areas, which were considered in the article, is related to the peculiarities of their legal regime. Consequently, the factor of the border position from the point of view of economic and legal regulation can intensify both risks and opportunities for development.

Keywords: border factor, regional economic system, border region, transformations of borderland regimes, cross-border cooperation, economic integration

Acknowledgments: the study was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Karelian Research Centre  of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Comprehensive study and elaboration of management principles for sustainable development of Russia’s northern and borderland belts in the context of global challenges”.

For citation: Vasilieva A. V., Moroshkina M. V. Influence of the border factor on the economic systems of the Russian regions. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 3, pp. 56–69. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.3.2022.77.004


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