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 Anna S. Shcherbakova (Ponomareva)

Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North, Federal Research Center — Komi Science Center  of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia,, ORCID 0000–0001–8983–5378

Abstract. The targets set in the field of efficient use of available resources have become prerequisites for the development  of a circular economy. Because of the efficient use of resources, it became necessary to set international targets in order to ensure the sustainable development of the global consumption of world resources. The article provides a comparative analysis of linear and circular models of economies. An assessment is made of the formation and disposal of production and consumption waste both in general and by types of economic activity in Russia for 2005–2021. Challenges of transition to a new resource-efficient agricultural model are considered. The proposed approach assumes that the goods produced today can become resources  of tomorrow, while saving resources, reducing waste, creating new jobs and providing new economic opportunities. The article emphasizes the importance of transforming traditional farming in the real economic system. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the Komi Republic, a circular economy model of agriculture and agro-food system was for the first time proposed, taking into account the peculiarities of its functioning. The study revealed weak points in the circulation of the food  and food chain in the region. To develop a viable model, a series of expert interviews was conducted with experts  and representatives of the Republic of Komi executive authorities as well as a series of interviews with peasant farm owners  and directors of preschool and educational organizations and hospitals of the republic municipalities. The practical significance  of the model introduction in the regional circular economy of the republic as follows: food losses reduction, food waste generation decrease, as well as food security level and agricultural sector resources rational use rising. It was determined that a coordinated and holistic interdepartmental approach in the development of appropriate policies and concepts for the transition to a closed production cycle in the northern region, is essential in agricultural circular economy advancement. The further research will deal with development of circular economy specific model applied to a leading farm of the republic.

Keywords: sustainable development, agriculture, circular economy, closed production cycle, waste, natural resources, model

Acknowledgments: the study is carried as part of the research work “Sustainable resource management of the Northern region: factors and models” (state registration number 121021800128-8).

For citation: Shcherbakova (Ponomareva) A. S. Agricultural circular economy model in the context of sustainable development. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming  the Economic Order], 2022, no. 4, pp. 86–98. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.4.2022.78.006


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