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Anna B. Nikolaeva

Luzin Institute for Economic Studies of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia


 Abstract. In the coming decades, the Northern Sea Route (NSR) can transform sea cargo logistics, acting as a significant catalyst for the development of the North of Russia. However, the NSR’s continued viability hinges upon the presence  of modern harbor infrastructure. To accommodate vessels of various classes, it is imperative to modernize harbors  by constructing new or refurbishing old berthing facilities to align them with contemporary standards. The article analyzes the process of developing harbor infrastructure along the NSR.

The goal of the study is to explore the prospects for boosting cargo capacity through the implementation of harbor infrastructure projects along the NSR. The study identifies the key projects in this domain and provides forecasts for cargo capacity growth in the near future attributed to ongoing infrastructure developments. The study also delves into the ramifications of sanctions on harbor infrastructure development. It is concluded that while sanctions may alter project timelines, they do not impede the ultimate objective. However, they can disrupt cargo transportation by leading to the cancellation of contracts for gas tanker construction and the cessation of ship equipment supplies for tankers manufactured in Russia.

The novelty of the study lies in its identification of harbor infrastructure projects poised to bolster cargo capacity along  the NSR, elucidating their near and medium-term impact on cargo transportation.

The practical significance of the study resides in its implications for the continued growth of the NSR. Given the fluid international and domestic economic landscapes, future research in this realm is critical to understanding evolving prospects.

Keywords: Arctic, Northern Sea Route, Arctic harbors, harbor infrastructure, sanctions impact, cargo tonnage growth.

Acknowledgments: This study was conducted at the Institute for Economic Studies within the National Research Project  No. 123012500051-8, titled “Strategic Planning for Arctic Development under New Geo-Economic and Political Realities”.

For citation: Nikolaeva A. B. Enhancing cargo capacity along the Northern Sea Route through harbor infrastructure development. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2023, no. 2, рр. 140–149. https://doi:10.37614/2220-802X.3.2023.81.009. (In Russ.).


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