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Marina A. Meteleva

Research Institute for Management Problems, Kemerovo, Russia, IMR42meteleva@gmail.com,  ORCID 0000-0002-5785-8409


Abstract. This study aims to develop a methodology for designing entrepreneurial networks based on assessing the potentials of actors, which are social and economic groups participating in entrepreneurial relations localized in the territories of the Russian Arctic. The objective is to ensure the reasoned participation of actors in network alliances. Methodological approaches and results of assessing the entrepreneurial potential of actors were previously presented, with the author developing approaches that account for the regional features of Arctic processes and allow for broad interpretation.  To achieve this, the potential of various actors, or stakeholders operating in Arctic territories, is evaluated. This involves  the use of indicators to integrate data in order to detail entrepreneurial properties. Among the indicators are involvement  in creating business infrastructure, the scale of activity, innovative endeavors, professionalism of public organizations,  and the efficiency of government administration in fostering a favorable investment climate. Other indicators include population engagement in innovation-driven processes (the degree of integration of local and scientific knowledge  achieved by establishing formal and informal institutions and programs for interaction between the population and scientific communities; the degree of development of public institutions as subjects of the transfer of innovative solutions between participants in the territorial innovation system, etc.), the degree of monopolization of the territory’s economy, the presence of large venture investors, and the venture policy of corporations indicating the stage of territory development. The article’s objective is to lay theoretical foundations and methodological provisions for designing the architecture of Arctic network alliances. The focus is on ensuring maximum entrepreneurial potential, considering Arctic processes and their rapid recombination amid swift changes in the business environment. As a result, the author proposes a methodological approach to identifying actors in entrepreneurial networks and connections that support relationships between central actors.  This identification is based on the target function of maximizing and restructuring entrepreneurial potential in the Arctic, whose calculation is automated through the use of the Python programming language. The article introduces the author’s version of software for generating management information for network brokers. All data for assessment and design can be obtained from official open sources, ensuring the speed of data collection and processing. Research plans involve developing provisions of a methodology focused on the meso-level of the Russian Arctic macroregion for territorial, production,  and socio-economic systems with significant potential for forming relations in the innovation economy.

Keywords: entrepreneurial networks, actors, connections, innovative potential, design, management, software

For citation: Meteleva M. A. Entrepreneurial network management in Arctic territories: A methodology for designing network architecture and its implementation in Python. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2024, no. 1, pp. 170–185. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.1.2024.83.012.


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