Economics and politics of “cold confrontation” in the New Arctic

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 Asja A. Shchegol’kova

Luzin Institute for Economic Studies of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia,, ORCID 0000-0002-9934-1408

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Abstract. The modern Arctic is becoming the strategic space and area of competition of many powers, the arena of political confrontations between Arctic and non-Arctic states. Arctic research has moved from the sphere of science to the sphere of geopolitics and geoeconomics and is of strategic importance in the system of national security. Climatic fluctuations in the Arctic have increased the availability of hydrocarbon, biological and other resources, and improved ice conditions in the water area of the Northern Sea Route. The study analyzes the Arctic policy of Western European and North American countries in the conditions of the “New Arctic”. An overview of strategic documents on ensuring the spatial development of Arctic territories of the Arctic Council countries is presented. An analysis of the strategic documents of the United States and its NATO allies allows us to conclude that there are signs of confrontation in the Arctic region and the intention of these states to counteract the growth of Russia’s presence here. The development of Arctic transport communications can be considered as a driver of the economy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and Russia as a whole. It is concluded that the strengthening of Russia’s presence in the Arctic is possible through the formation of a sustainable model for the development of geostrategic territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The current geopolitical situation requires Russia to take adequate action: on the international field is the maximum use of international institutions in order to strengthen territorial integrity and realization of Russia’s sovereign rights in the Arctic; in domestic policy — a transition from fragmented to comprehensive regulation of socio-economic activities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the formation of a new model of economic development of these territories, including the creation of a single institutional and legal space.

Keywords: New Arctic, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, Arctic Council, Arctic strategies, the Northern Sea Route, hydrocarbon resources

Acknowledgments: the work was carried out within the topic of the Luzin Institute of Economic Studies of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences research work no. 0226-2019-0028 “Interaction of Global, National and Regional Factors in the Economic Development of the North and the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation” within the state assignment of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.

For citation: Shchegol’kova A. A. Economics and politics of “cold confrontation” in the New Arctic. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2021, no. 4, pp. 7–20, doi: 10.37614/2220-802X.4.2021.74.001