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Alexey V. Beloshitskiy

Lusin Institute for Economic Studies of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Science, Apatity, Russia,, ORCID 0000-0001-6586-3884

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Abstract. The article discusses specific features of oilfield services company functioning as a part of Russian oilfield services which are the driver of Russian oil-and-gas industry. The key features of the formation of the Russian oilfield services market are noted as follows: a short time of formation in comparison with evolution of the worldwide oilfield services market and high turbulence of the business environment together with characteristic sighs of the oilfield services companies such as high degree of innovation and advanced management. The purpose of study is justification of influence factors and key risks for sustainable economic development of oilfield services company under dynamically changing external conditions. The main theoretical ideas about the construction of business models of the company are analyzed and the definitions of such basic terms as sustainability and sustainable development are considered. The oilfield services company definition as an open complicated industrial and economic system with multilevel internal links was done. The possibility of applying classical concepts of the theory of stability of economic systems to oilfield services market objects is estimated. The key factors are identified and the effects of the external economic environment are generalized, the assessment of the possibility of using various types of well-known business models for the oilfield services company is given.
The characteristic features of the oilfield services business are analyzed as follows: advanced technological level of production, innovation and unique competencies of staff from the view of ensuring competitive advantages between the oil-and-gas industry and identified risk-factors of the sustainable development. It’s identified that the economical efficiency of the oilfield services company business models is provided by its opportunities in the external environment and the internal unique production resources, ability to adapt for changes, flexibility of management systems, dynamic information integrity, contractual capacity and high level of management responsibility.

Keywords: economic systems, business model, oilfield services company, competitive market, factors, risks, stability, sustainable development, manufacturability, innovation, unique competencies

For citation: Beloshitskiy A. V. Some problems of economic stability under conditions of high turbulence environment. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 1, pp. 7–16. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.1.2022.75.001


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