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Alexander A. Ilyinsky1, Olga V. Kalinina2, Mars M. Khasanov3, Mikhail V. Afanasiev4, Alexandra A. Saitova5

1, 2, 4, 5Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

3Gazprom Neft, Saint Petersburg, Russia, ORCID 0000-0002-7803-9146, ORCID 0000-0002-4617-2823

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Abstract. Among the current priorities for the development of the Russian oil and gas complex, which determine its competitiveness in the international hydrocarbon market, are its capabilities and the pace of its  decarbonization. The development of  decarbonization processes at the present requires the solution of a number of scientific, methodological and applied problems. Based on the results of a review of modern domestic and foreign approaches, methodological provisions are substantiated that determine the content and structure of the  decarbonization category in the oil and gas complex. Decarbonization in the world economy system is defined as a systemic response to planetary climate change. In the system of the national economy (energy) — as a long-term socio-economic trend (pattern) of reducing the carbon intensity of GDP. In the system of the oil and gas complex — as a systemic process of its transformation in the national energy sector. In the system of industry management — as a process of complex, interconnected use of diverse (including fundamentally new) methods of solutions and technologies from various industries and fields of knowledge. Based on a systematic analysis of the problem field, the strategic goals and priorities for the development of the oil and gas complex have been clarified within the framework of the low-carbon development paradigm in the global energy system. The methods and tools of existing and being in the development and approval legislative documents have been studied. We proposed an approach to the formation of organizational and economic mechanisms that ensure the effective and sustainable development of the oil and gas complex in the context of  decarbonization.

Keywords: sustainable development paradigm, decarbonization category, oil and gas complex, low-carbon development, industry energy transition, organizational development models

For citation: Ilyinsky A. A., Kalinina O. V., Khasanov M. M., Afanasiev M. V.,. Saitova A. A. Decarbonization of the oil and gas complex: priorities and organizational models of development. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 1, pp. 33–46. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.1.2022.75.003


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