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Аnna R. Nechitailo1, Oksana A. Marinina2

1, 2St. Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg ORCID: 0000-0002-5279-4178 ORCID: 0000-0002-7950-197X

Abstract. The article considers modern technological directions for the electrification of hydrocarbon production facilities in the poorly developed or hard-to-reach territories of the Arctic, the Far North or offshore fields, due to the remoteness of the Arctic and Far Eastern regions from existing large energy hubs, which makes it practically impossible to use a unified energy system of RF (UES RF) as the main source of electricity for needs of the oil and gas industry. The conditions of the UES RF using necessitates the additional generation sources for oil and gas companies and the solution of related issues of economic and environmental efficiency of technological projects for the electrification of hydrocarbon production facilities in hard-to-reach and poorly developed territories. The study performed a cluster analysis of literary sources in order to determine the current trends in the electrification and power supply of the oil and gas industry. An assessment of the conditions for the application of modern technological directions for the electrification of hydrocarbon production facilities in the poorly developed and hard-to-reach territories of Russia is presented. The system analysis covers electrification options using gas-fired generators; based on the integration of renewable energy sources and their combination with traditional types of electricity supply; using complexes of unified energy networks for several offshore production facilities and additional energy centers. The study of technological directions for the electrification of hydrocarbon production facilities in poorly developed territories is the basis for further practical application of the results of the analysis in the field of pre-project planning and evaluation of proposed technological solutions based on the rational choice of a power source for remote fields, taking into account the optimal composition of equipment and the location of elements of power supply systems, construction schedule and indicators of the cost of construction and operation of energy supply systems.

Keywords: electrification, energy supply, hydrocarbon production, poorly developed territories, hard-to-reach territories, integration of renewable energy sources, use of associated petroleum gas, the Arctic

For citation: Nechitailo А. R., Marinina O. A. Analysis of technological directions of electrification of hydrocarbon production facilities in poorly developed territories. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 2, pp. 45–57. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.2.2022.76.004


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