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Valentina I. Kondratieva1, Oksana M. Tarasova-Sivtceva2

1, 2Research Institute of Regional Economics of the North, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia, ORCID 0000-0002-4373-3189, ORCID 0000-0002-9486-4584


Abstract. The demographic challenges faced by Northern regions are closely tied to economic development and require specific methodological approaches that account for the unique population dynamics in the vast but sparsely populated northern territories of the Russian Federation. This article explores the theoretical aspects of regional socio-economic development in relation to the demographic system and trends in socio-economic development. The aim of the research is to analyze the influence of demographic factors on the current labor market and workforce structure in Northern resource-based regions (NRBRs). Examining the present situation in these regions reveals a certain degree of population stabilization, with the exception of the Magadan region, population aging, an increase in demographic burden, and urbanization.  A correlation and regression analysis shows significant direct and inverse relationships with factors shaping the labor market. A conclusion is made about the statistically significant positive relationship between male and female employment rates and parameters such as the share of the working-age population and the level of education. The study’s scientific novelty lies  in the methodological approach developed and tested by the authors to evaluate demographic and economic factors influencing the modern labor market in NRBRs. Further development of state mechanisms to regulate demographic development is necessary to ensure that the regional labor market is adequately supplied with skilled personnel.  The implementation of the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025 and the Demography National Project can have a positive impact on demographic processes and the formation of regional labor markets. The results of the study can be valuable to executive authorities for monitoring and forecasting socio-economic processes at the regional level.

Keywords: Northern regions, labor market, employment, socio-demographic system, correlation and regression analysis

Acknowledgments: this article was prepared as part of a research task assigned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project No. FSRG-2023-0025).

For citation: Kondratieva V. I., Tarasova-Sivtceva O. M. The effect of demographic factors on the workforce in Northern resource-based regions. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2023, no. 2, pp. 146–159. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.2.2023.80.010.


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