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Diana M. Dmitrieva1, Amina  F. Chanysheva2

1Graduate School of Management at Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia,,, ORCID 0000-0002-4208-4842

2Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia,, ORCID 0000-0002-4228-975X


Abstract. The development of mineral resources is currently controversial due to the significant influence of global climatic and environmental trends. This is particularly relevant to the Arctic due to the fragility of its ecosystems and the major impact of its climate on the global climate. At the same time, the Arctic region is strategically important for Russia due to the presence of many minerals and the Northern Sea Route, which ensures national goals and interests. Balancing sustainable development and national interests necessitates a special approach to mineral resource development in the Arctic. Ensuring the sustainable development of the mineral resource base is a complex process that involves companies, the state, and regions. The article analyzes existing approaches to assessing the contribution of companies to the sustainable development of the Arctic region and underscores the role of the ESG concept. As a result of the research, a model of interaction among key actors has been developed to ensure the sustainable development of the mineral resource base in the Russian Arctic, highlighting the key areas of responsibility for each actor. Based on this model, an approach to the sustainable development of the mineral resource base in the Arctic has been formulated, combining both the ESG concept and the active collaboration of the three actors in promoting rational resource use, including the replenishment of mineral reserves. A checklist for assessing the contribution of mining companies to the sustainable development of the mineral resource base is proposed, encompassing ESG rankings and components such as contributions to mineral exploration, field development, rational resource use, and national security. The developed approach has been tested on key mining companies in the Arctic region.

Keywords: sustainable development, Arctic region, mineral resources, ESG ranking, mineral resource use

Acknowledgments: this study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 22-78-00104,

For citation: Dmitrieva D. M., Chanysheva A. F. Contribution of mining companies to the sustainable development of the mineral resource base of the Arctic region: A new approach to ranking key actors and assessing their interaction. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2024, no. 2, pp. 71–87. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.2.2024.84.006.


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